
JAS Certifying Factory

Yellowtail with Daikon Raddish

Cooking time
45 minutes
Approx. 398kcal

Ingredients (for two people)

- Yellowtail
200 g
- Daikon radish
1/4 of a bottle (300g)
- Ginger
1 piece
- Salt
A small quantity
- Oil
Suitable amount
- Yuzu peel
A small quantity


Umami Sauce
5 tablespoons
- Water


  • 1. Briefly wash the yellowtail with water, wipe it dry with paper towels and then cut it into bite-sized pieces. Add a light amount of salt.
    Cut the daikon radish into semicircles.
    Without peeling the ginger, cut it into thin strips.

  • 2. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Grill the outside of the daikon radish and take it out.
    Add the oil and cook the fish. (Once the surface changed color, it's good)

  • 3. In the potAAdd and simmer. Add the daikon and ginger. Place the drop-lid on the pot and simmer on low heat until the daikon softens.

  • 4. Add the yellowtail to step 3 and place the drop-lid on the pot. Once cooked a little, let it cool to allow the flavor to soak into the fish.

  • 5. Remove the yellowtail for a moment and boil down about half of the broth. Return the yellowtail into the pot and while heating it, mix it with the broth. Serve in a bowl and add finely sliced yuzu peel.